Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm Starting A Blog...

Ugh. *sigh*

Who hasn't started a blog, right?

How can I imply that I have something new / different / interesting / relevant to say about anything?


Well anyway, I'm starting a blog.

Really, I just wanted a place where I can use the adult side of my brain during nap time. So, welcome.


So, I've gone off the deep-end lately, and have fallen down the rabbit hole of organic living / homesteading / sustainability / crunchy granola craziness.

It all started when Ryan began putting everything he came into contact with into his mouth, and I started to think about what those things were and where they had been and how did he get his hands on a leaf while in the middle of the living room??? If you've ever seen leaf-drool, maybe you understand.

So we've been trying to eat a little cleaner and live a little greener, which has led to copious amounts of Google-ing (which is a blessed departure from my previously frantic WebMD consultations throughout my pregnancy. Never did I ever think so much about what discharge / twinges / headaches-that-are-surely-a-sign-of-gamma-ray-baby could mean) and Pin-ing on boards with kitschy names like Kermie (because, obviously, "It's Not Easy Being Green").

And so I discovered Homesteading.

...which, from what I can tell, is apparently the dream to live like Little House on the Prairie, and is the culmination of every green / sustainable / crunchy granola crazy thought ever... and I really want to do it.

Problem: I live in an apartment.

Problem: I know nothing about gardening / raising chickens / butchering / making soap / crunchy granola craziness.

Problem: I'm a stay-at-home mom with an eight-month-old and that's a lot of hyphens to be taking on new projects, or so say the little voice in my head that pipes up when I'm going too far down the crunchy granola crazy path.

Thus, the blog (ominous buh buhm buhhhmmmmm). The goal is to chronicle our journey towards homesteading, starting where we are and turning to Laura Ingalls (the one who made homesteading chic and relevant to little girls everywhere, because really, who doesn't want a calico bonnet after reading through the series?) for inspiration and guidance as needed.

So, where to start? Toys from pig's bladders? Churning our own butter? Building a house in the grassy banks by the pond / water feature in our apartment complex?

Nap time's over for today, so the goal setting will have to wait. However, it's good to be thinking those adult thoughts again, even if all they did was take me back to childhood.

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