Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Infinite Onions and A Garden Update

I have been woefully lax in my garden updates!

Not only have we enjoyed our first lettuce harvest,

 (I grew a SALAD!)

but when we got back from a visiting-family-vacation, my cucumber plant had gone from this...

to THIS behemoth!

I know. I'm so proud.

The garden has had a variety of visitors, including this little critter who likes to hide under the cucumber leaves...

Aaaaaand, while we were gone, my dill bolted. I would mind more, but it's awfully pretty to look at.

Before we left, I started a green onion re-growing experiment. We had some green onions we were using in a stir-fry, but as is so often the case, I used a rather small proportion of them.

I'd read that you could actually re-grow them and have infinite, Buzz Lightyear style green onions, totally eliminating the need to keep buying them every time you only needed one or two stalks!

Count. Me. In.

So, I plopped them into a mason jar and kept them on my counter, with full intentions of rinsing the roots and changing the water every day or two, as in ever-wise internet had instructed.

(See the cute, trimmed ones?)

 Once the roots were more established, the onions would be ready to take up permanent residence with the rest of my beauties outside!

...and then we went out of town... and I forgot about my onions...

And this is what I came back to.

Well, I guess you could say in part that the experiment worked!

The onions grow!

Infinite onions for everyone!

However, mine got pretty gross, what with rotting roots and escaping tendrils, so they had to be tossed. (Make them fly, Mommy!)

To be continued another day, I suppose!

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