Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Potato Nightmares and Mood Lighting

Last night I had nightmares about potatoes.

I had spent quite a disproportionate amount of time yesterday researching various gardening topics, like what I can grow in my climate and in my space and with my sun. I determined that this year's container garden is going to include herbs, like basil, rosemary, and cilantro, as well as vegetables: tomatoes, beets, swiss chard, kale, spinach, broccoli, and cucumbers. I'm forgoing the potato barrel and tea garden, but I will be delving into the world of sprouts and possibly a lemon tree, if I can find a dwarf one.

Combine all that newfound knowledge with some potent cold medication (thanks for the delightful sickness, winter), and I was tossing and turning with visions of super sized spuds dancing through my brain...

But really.

The Weekend Homesteader and I may be at a parting of ways, though. I excitedly opened it to February, thinking that a new month would bring about fun new challenges to embark upon. First week's task? Planting berries. I cannot put a berry patch on my porch, though the railings could make interesting trellises... hmm... file that away for possible tomato plan? I also considered those topsy-turvy late night infomercial things for tomatoes, taking our space vertical... but I digress.

No berries.

Plus, the author details how many berries won't yield anything the first year. I understand the need to pay it forward with gardening and all, but I need results, people! The idea of caring for the plant for the next three years before getting anything back sounds like a "down the road" kind of task.

The next task talks about stocking up on dried goods, buying in bulk, etc. Now, this I can sink my teeth into. I think I have a little latent doomsday prepper hiding out in the back of my brain somewhere. I love the idea of grinding my own flour, and coming home with 4,000 pound bags of beans from Sam's Club. (And really, after braving Sam's Club on a Saturday, I'd like to go back as little as possible.)

Did I mention I live in an apartment?

With two other people?

And cats?

Alas, my square footage for bulk buying is rivaled only by my square footage for gardening. So while I may pick up a few extra boxes of spaghetti while they're on sale down at the Food Lion, and we may or may not have some extra gallons of water stashed at the back of the closet, the 4,000,000 pounds of beans will have to wait.

Third task of February... backup lighting!

Sexy, right? Super exciting. We are presented the options of solar-powered flashlights, headlamps, and lanterns, and generators for the overachievers. What TWH fails to realize, however, is that I grew up camping. I am flush with headlamps and lanterns, not to mention mood-lighting candles. But, my little head wheels got to turning, and I have crafted an extra credit assignment for myself.

We will make candles! (I have made fire!)

A quick Google search reveals that there are a plethora (heyyyy, 8th grade english class) of options for crafting my own candles, including an apparently heated debate of paraffin vs. soy vs. beeswax. However, since beeswax is all-natural and has air purifying qualities (thanks, wikihow), that seems to be the best fit for our crunchy granola manifesto.

...also, did you know you can make a candle out of an orange?!?

Get excited, y'all. Good things are coming... and they smell citrus-y!

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